Hope Voyage Ministries (HVM) uses sailing to carry HOPE across the seas to be delivered worldwide.
What began with a prayer and a servant's heart, back in 2019, to devote my all and my nothing for the glory of Jesus Christ, HVM has since grown into more than just an idea. It has become a mission field with the driving purpose of Truth that compels one to a life of action.
Hello, if you are new here, my name is Kayla. I am currently working towards a Master Mariner Captain's License which requires 360 days of sea time. Sea time on a boat includes any body of water, however, with sailing HOPE across the seas, I must also be eligible for the Auxiliary Sail Endorsement. I currently have 279 of 360 days of sea time. That means only 81 days left! "Only"..... Being a resident of York, Pennsylvania those sea time days are few and far between. Many people ask me why I live here if this is my mission? Valid question; However, I can only say I am following the lead of my Lord and I believe He brought me back home to PA for a reason seven years ago. One of those reasons had to do with being a part of a new church plant in East York. I am happy to say Greater York Baptist Church celebrated it's 5th year anniversary back in April 2022! In hindsight, I can't help but smile thinking about how God used that endeavor (and still is) as training and revelation for the mission field. After living in Utah and North Carolina in the years prior to this, many questioned even then, "Why go back to York, PA?" Hasn't the old adage been proven over the years? The Lord really does work in mysterious ways! Mysterious only to us, that is....For our limited knowledge and understanding can only go so far when planning our lives and analyzing the events that come our way. The point is, I am here now but I won't always be. It was in these seven years the mission and vision of Hope Voyage Ministries came about. Could it be that had I not been back in good ole' York, PA this ministry may not have developed? Just a thought. It's always best to be in the will of God despite what logic, reason and perhaps your heart may tell you.
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6
The PURPOSE of Hope Voyage Ministries is this...
To honor God
To serve humanity
To provide hope
To give perspective
The MISSION of Hope Voyage Ministries is this...
Work hand in hand with missions and churches to give the Gospel
To provide encouragement, support and training to current missions
Travel to communities around the world to help aid in basic necessities of life
Sail to stricken regions with a cargo of hope
Open the eyes and hearts of the prosperous for worldwide missions
Educate an impoverished world a perspective of beauty
Some ideas in which to carry out this ministry include...
Sail to those hard to reach places of the world with small populations, only accessible by boat
Use the boat as a discipleship tool both to give the experience of offshore sailing and help connect the dots to everyday life
Introduce any and all to Christ through Creation
Aid in disaster relief in coastal areas and island nations
Use the boat as an avenue of retreat and refreshment for those weary on the mission field
Use the boat to bring supplies and resources needed, as well as, give transportation
Join current missionary families and groups for a certain period of time to give encouragement and help in their ministries
Aid in establishing water purification systems, sustainable food/farming, educate in basic hygiene and nutrition in areas that are in need of it
Please join me in praying for the continual development of this ministry however the Lord desires it. Pray for a long term sailboat that fits the needs of the ministry. Pray for opportunity to share the love of Christ every step of the way. Pray for His name to be honored and glorified!
Upcoming Post: My goal in acquiring a starter sailboat!
